Monday, May 13, 2013

Things you quickly realize after becoming a mom.

1. You don't mind being woken up at 1am to be assaulted by terds.
2. Showering everyday is a thing of the past.
3. You don't care about getting out of the house.
4. You become acutely more aware of things like smog, germs, dust, and little things floating in the air. 
5. Laundry becomes a priority.
6. There is no amount of physical or mental pain that outweighs seeing your child in pain.
7. You can watch another person sleep for hours and it's far more entertaining than tv.
8. You get annoyed when other people tell you how to parent (even when you've only been doing it a week). 
9. You would literally kill anyone that even accidentally threatens to hurt your child. 
10. You think of someone else 1 trillion times a day.
11. Worrying is your newest hobby, aside from creating milk. 
12. You realize that all the things you thought were important, aren't. 
13. Vacuuming is fun because you know your baby won't be exposed to the dirt anymore. 
14. You all of a sudden love taking pictures. 
15. You can project 20 years into the future, and it's scary.

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