Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Go! Go!!!

This is a text message dad just sent mom during our grocery shopping trip.

"So I'm carrying her baba and her leftover pretzel, she refused to let me try the cheese stick I bought her and she just told me she wants me to walk BEHIND her. Like far away behind. 

That's right folks, I'm 2 going on 16 and I don't care who knows it! 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Chooooo, choooooo!

The family and I took a trip down to Tihany and rode the ghetto mini train! Emma and I had a blast recreating the sound of the squeaky breaks! 

Pompom may or may not have suffered  Shaken Baby Syndrome during this trip. 
We tanked up on not-so-tasty lemonade prior to our departure...and some palacinta (also known as crepes with jam/chocolate)...for 8000ft...or roughly $30! Hello, ripoff. 
Pompom got some much needed neck exercising this week too. 

We are now back in Budapest, it's 50 degrees INSIDE our apartment, and the lightning and thunder just started...right when the grandparents decided to take me out for an ice cream. 

I guess this is payback for smearing a Kinder Pinguin chocolate all over the back seat of nagypapa's new Mercedes. Shhhhh...don't tell him!!!! 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Best friends.

Hanging out at the beach isn't complete unless you are with good friends. We swam and ate chips together. Can you think of a stronger bond?
Also, this is my go-to lake attire. Dad brought it back from Dallas. 
Then I hosted my first art exhibition. I was casually explaining my use of watercolor in this photo, but I'm not sure common children understand my level of artistic expression. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Going out is for the birds.

We went out with some friends, and Emma and I got to feed the ducks and the attack swans. Emma was much better at throwing the bread, while I contemplated eating it. 
Then we were friends for about 2.5 minutes, until mom offered up my stroller to Emma. I was not happy about this, and let the entire town of Balatonfüred know. 
I cooled off, both physically and mentally at the calming fountain of youth. 
Then the most unbelievable thing happened since Pompom arrived! We ate a full meal (albeit quick), without any major incident. I drank a lemon aid, and dad and I chatted about the weather. It was a good day!  

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day at the pool.

Nothing beats a day hanging out in sun and in the pool. (Don't worry grandma, we wore lots of sunscreen.)
We met up with mom's friends (yes, she actually has a few), and we to the "beach." 
The "beach" is actually the cold lake Balaton, which is the next best thing to Coronado in Hungary. 
Pompom also partook in the festivities by taking a poolside nap in the shade. Life is good! 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lake festivities.

Writing prescriptions in the garden for mom. She needs some serious meds.
Swimming like a fish.
Sleeping in until 8?!
Strolling through the trees! 
Langos! A Hungarian classic! 
My favorite after meal snack. 
The view.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Ice cream, yeah, yeah, ice cream!

And water...because ice cream at 10am makes me thirsty. 
So far it's a good day...minus that dad had to work last minute...AGAIN.