Sunday, May 12, 2013

C-Section Bliss.

So it was never really a question that I needed a c-section at the start of all this pregnancy business. At five weeks I already had a fibroid the size of a tennis ball. Fine. The thought of having contractions for 12+ hours didn't really seem to be my 'thing' anyway to be honest. 

The original surgery was scheduled for the 13th of May. That was 13 days before her intended due date, but made the doctors more comfortable because of the pressure caused by my friend the tumor. Well, we didn't quite make it. 

Monday night we ordered pizza, watched a movie and proceeded to go to bed around 11. I had to use the bathroom about 2 minutes later, per my usual, and came back to bed. 

Um, why am I gushing fluid?! I calmly asked Peter to get me some paper towels because my water had broken. Of course he immediately asked if I was sure I didn't just pee all over myself (because I guess I do that often). 

We called the doctor, packed faster than I have ever packed before, and we were out the door in 10 minutes. We got to the hospital in about 15 minutes and went into the clinic, where there was one nurse on call for the night. She called the on call obstetrician, who was less than friendly, and after examining me said the surgery would be first thing in the morning. Um, excuse me? I thought I had another week! I didn't actually pack my bag with the intention to stay! 

They hooked me up to an IV, shot me full of antibiotics and told me to sleep. Right, piece of cake. Peter got to go to the recovery room to take a nap, which served him well. 

The morning came quickly and in walks my doctor. She said I was the first of the day. 20 minutes, so get ready. At this point I was ready to get the show on the road. 

I walked into the surgery room, got my spinal, which was no problem, and quickly assumed the position. Before I knew it my legs were numb and I was on my way to passing out. My blood pressure dropped significantly because my fibroid was so tenderly pushing on a major artery in my back. After a few slaps by the anesthesiologist, some oxygen, and then some cold water, I was back within a minute or so. I warned the doctors about this before, but what do us crazy patients know about our own bodies?! 

I shockingly felt my feet tingling, which worried me before getting sliced open. Totally normal. They sprayed some areas (legs, stomach, arms) with water to judge my level of sensitivity, and we were on our way. 

The following is a link to the video that Peter took during the surgery. Let me preface it by saying it's semi graphic. We forced Peter's sister to watch it and she was not happy. 

So proceed with caution. 

For those of you who don't want to watch me getting stretched and hacked, I will recap the next hour in a few short bullet points. 

-They asked me about 50 times if I felt any pain. Thankfully, I did not.
-I felt really intense pulling and pressure. 
-They said her head was out. 
-I realized I was actually having a baby. 
-I felt someone pushing down from the top of my stomach. 
-They said she was out.
-I heard her cry. 
-Then I cried. 
-They showed me how perfect she was. 
-I cried a little more.
-Dr.Papp asked if I worked out because my abs were so tight as they laid outside of my abdomen. Bonus compliment!! 
-They sewed me up in about 30 minutes. 

The end! Recovery is pending...

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