Monday, October 31, 2016

A day at the Parc.

Mom basically is so obsessed with photos and editing, she's forcing us to be models when Apu is home. This was today's results. Not so bad for a scouting trip!

Pompom was asleep, so I got the camera ALL to myself!!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Detox time!

After eight days of oil, fried food, salami and processed is dextoxinng us majorly. For lunch, we're eating a veggie salad and loads of water! 

Seriously, the market here is SO amazing. 

Busy bees.

Since Apu arrived, we've been all over town, mom has been working (kinda), and yesterday, we went to our first bar. 

Basically, it's COMPLETELY acceptable in France to eat oysters/mussels with beer/champagne at 9am. We are learning quickly that this is literally the coolest place on EARTH. 

Not the best picture, but this is what my buddy and I did while the parents gorged themselves on seafood and beer...oh, and mini saucisson. 

On Sunday, Les Halles is PACKED. Literally, it's a endless indoor market of gormet meat, seafood, chocolate, and much fancier things mom and Apu can't afford. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Apu is...

Tired and posing with Alaska. But he's on his way home! Thank GOD, because school vacation just started. Two weeks of no child care! 

No babysitter for Pompom's baby either. It's a full house! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

8 days!

With no major issue!!! Holy wow, is everyone surprised. And mom actually had some time to make money and go shopping...alone! 
While we built towers with nagypapa. And he put the last screen up since the mosquitos are back!!! UGH! 

They left today and mom is semi sad (I know, right)??? Being alone kinda sucks sometimes...but thankfully Apu should be home in a few days. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

So far, so good.

Expectations can be the best and the worst. Thankfully, since mom always expects the worst, things tend to be surprisingly great! Well, not great, but better than usual...SO FAR. 

In other had to buy a better grandma bag for shopping because the first one was HORRIBLE. But this one was so good that I pulled it all the way home by myself...almost a mile. 
Which was fueled by ice cream and Italian hot chocolate. Yay, diabetes...

Saturday Motorbiking

Mom thought that she had been invited on a lovely casual bike ride around the city...but it turns out she was a little confused. These "bikes" had motors on them. Not only has mom not driven an actual car in YEARS, she does not have a legal driver's license, a carte vital OR any insurance. Que danger.

Mom understood most of the directions in French...and managed to avoid an accident (during heavy traffic). It was a GREAT time!
And then they had lunch that involved lentils and wine. A good day indeed! 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Catch up...

Well it's been a week since a proper update...

But that's really only because nothing special has happened. Today, however, nagypapa and nagymama will arrive for a whole EIGHT days, while Apu is sitting in New Jeresy. 

Thanks to her new found popularity in the photography world, she made an irrational decision and agreed to this visit. BUT, on the upside, she can now go make money on weekends, that she will turn around and spend on wine because, well, she's gonna need it. 

AND Pompom started pulling her ear and crying meaning there WILL be a stressful fight about taking her to a doctor. Mom is already anticipating the worst...Yuck.

In more uplifting news...this is my VERY FIRST artistic rendition of a person. Pretty cool, huh? 

Weekend special.

Homemade chicken bone broth and bread pudding for dinner....uhhhhh, suuuure, mom. That sounds good...or weird...or I don't know what.

Anyway, seems good so far! Hurry home, Apu! We NEED you!!

Mom's vote.

Mom hates discussing politics...mainly because, in this election, she doesn't want to know how stupid people really are.

But she did her part, despite the process being slightly annoying...and costing her about 10€ in stamps. 10€ well spent if it cancels out one vote the promotes violence, racism and hate! 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

A week of this and that.

Mom was busy with more pictures...
I was busy with more school...

Namely, sitting on the naughty chair for talking too much with my buddy. 

Poms puttered around, per her usual. 

And Apu left again...
