Saturday, April 30, 2016

Standby Shenanigans

So Apu (with all of his flight perks because he's such a well connected pilot), got us tickets to Cyprus...on standby. Well, technically, Apu and Pompom were approved for vacation, just not mama and I. 180 seats, and we counted as 182. Apu sort of freaked out because we had already paid for the hotel (and WizzAir refuses to refund standby tickets, FYI). Mama, on the other hand, found her zen and knew everything would be just fine. Apu decided to relax by playing the airport piano. 

If anyone is familiar with WizzAir, you know it's a low cost carrier, and they literally heard you like cattle (or WWII prisoners) on a very cold/hot tarmac (depending on the weather in Budapest...or the middle of Russia). We got shockingly lucky. Apu says he's seen people standing outside for hours in the MIDDLE of winter. 

But, as luck would have it, we made it on the flight. 
And we just had breakfast on the beach. Not so bad! 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mom the Bachelor

This is what happens when mom is sick and doesn't want to pack us up to go in the rain. 
We officially have soup for dinner and enough for an egg (each) and kakao in the morning. Phew!!! That was a close one!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

One more day.

Sometimes life seems to be about one more day. 

One more day at home...

One more day until Apu comes back...

Thank you to GPS, who reminds us that we are usually on different continents...for one more day.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Sentimental mom hormones.

Mom isn't sure what's going on...hormones, instinct or straight insanity, but she is so sad Pompom is growing up so fast! 

The good thing is, she knows it won't last forever, so she's really trying to appreciate every moment. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pony tail lies.

Mom told me an itty bitty lie. She said I needed to wear a pony tail so my hair will grow long like Elsa. And I bought it 100%! 

Mom says I finally look like a human being verses Cousin It. 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Oh, Budapest.

Just when mom thinks she's had enough of you...
You produce a day that is on par with San Diego. Yoga in the sunshine and the universe sends a fabulous lunch with some friends. Today was a good day.
And Pompom can now walk the length of a yoga mat. 

Mom loves nursery! Like, a LOT.

And I love it too. Today I was determined to teach all the eastern blocers how to do a somersault (mom just had to look that up...too many years out of college, I guess.)

And now mom is drinking a $3.65 latte WITHOUT SUGAR, in the cheapest country in the EU (read: not so cheap anymore). $3.65 well spent in her opinion. 

The Truth About Cancer

A few years ago, mom had a baby. That seemed to change things a bit.  She was looking around the apartment and realized all the nasty things I was putting in my mouth...LITERALLY anything I could get my hands on.  This may or may not have included things under the sink.

Of course, mom and apu freaked out and bought every child safety lock under the sun to keep me from poisoning myself.  Mom always wondered why we even HAD those deadly things in the house. Fast forward to today, where mom cleans with 20% vinegar (YAY Hungary) and baking soda, and uses coconut oil for EVERYTHING.

After Pompom's cancer scare, mom became slightly OBSESSED with cancer in general.  Oh're so sneaky.  She even applied to, and was rejected from medical school (as a rogue way of maybe changing a few minds...but more on that later).

She's read countless articles well in to the night, and came to a very basic conclusion...

The environment is the ONE thing we CAN control, so adios chemicals!

She also came across this AWESOME documentary on cancer and the medical system (specifically in the US).

A link to the documentary if you're interested is located here.  The host guy is SUPER cheesy, but once you get passed his lack of acting skills, it's a really informative piece.

Mom isn't trying to convince anyone of anything, but thought it would be nice to share. She knows FULL WELL, that some people like to be sick, enjoy popping their pills, drinking alcohol, etc. This isn't about being better or right, more about having the power to make a choice.  It's about nutrition, essential oils, basic medicine and what we're NOT being told by the medical industry.

The MAIN lesson mom has learned from all of this is simple.  Listen to your instinct.  It's there for a reason. If you're stomach is telling you something doesn't feel right (with knots, feeling sick, or general uneasiness), maybe you should listen...

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Kakao latte.

Mom took us out in the cold because we literally ran out of food. We bought some fruit, vegetables and then obviously stopped for a coffee. Well, a kakao actually, but I'm sure EVERYONE thought it was a coffee since it was in a fancy cup. 

Drinking my latte, window shopping...
And then we were the only ones playing at the park! Come back, summer!!!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Date night.

Since dad was on a date with his "crew" in London, at a fancy movie premier with famous had her own date night. Her BFF in Budapest came over unexpectedly with wine and they ordered Mexican food. I put on my Elsa dress and sang as entertainment! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Pompom fell...

On a strawberry...and freaked mom out for about half a second...
Notice how clean the apartment has been kept! 

Oh jetlag...

Carrots and 11pm. We're hoping to make it to the park tomorrow morning to meet my friends at nursery...but mom is less than optimistic.
Meanwhile, Pompom is eating her toys and unpacking the last suitcase. 

Back home...

First order of business...rushing to the chiropractor because it's SUPER cheap and mom's neck hurt. 

And back to endless movie watching because it's raining outside. 
The new favorite is...
Mary Poppins! Specifically, while mom had a *scoff* bottle of champagne with her American friend, whom she missed terribly while she was gone. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Ice cream time!

So despite the fact that ALL Hungarians are still dressing in snow suits, it is in fact, turning out to be a pretty decent start to Spring. Seriously, mom got some funny looks cruising around in a tank top, while others are still sporting fur. 

But, as luck would have is back to wheezing thanks to good ole city pollution. Time to go back to the beach.