Saturday, March 22, 2014


So for the last few days it's been really warm! Mom told me not to get my hopes up, but it's so hard not to! San Diego grandma sent some really great summer clothes over, so I had to try them on immediately! 
I got hot pink and yellow shorts, which is the only way to stay fashion forward here in the east. Seriously, everyone wears neon shoes/pants/shorts. Mom even bought a pair of peach pants, although the likelihood of her actually wearing anything other than black, tan or blue is slim to none. 
I eventually put on some pants because despite the sun shinning, it's still really cold sometimes! And don't get me started on the wind! Mom's hair looks like a tumble weed. 
That's the under part of my changing table. After crawling inside to retrieve my ABC farm house, I realized my big butt couldn't shimmy back out (I take after my dad in more ways than one). I screamed until mom came in. It took her about two minutes to figure out how I wedged myself in there and subsequently took five minutes to figure out how pull me out. 

Dad is back in Madrid again!! I was so mad that I mom and I put a diaper in his suitcase! We rule! 

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