Sunday, June 9, 2013

Let's rethink this...

We could be in San Diego...
Granted we'd be paying for health insurance. 

But instead we're here...
Attempting to avoid getting swept away by the Danube. Those would indeed be traffic lights. 

1 comment:

  1. Or you could be in Honolulu where the aloha spirit, fresh wind, and warm beach water drift worries away and... where it's hot every bloody day & you sweat all bloody day & everyone acts as if nothing's wrong with the place & there is only decent trash collection in the rich areas & the cars are more important than the ppl & the wages are the lowest in the country & residents are stuck & the city is poop & the rent is killer & riding a bike is crazy & a bunch of fresh cherries is $15 & I see angry people everywhere, and all I can think about is moving to Seattle! Miss you.
