Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dad, the Anti-Christ

So today the fam (mom, dad, and grandpa) went to the House of Terror Museum, or Terror Háza in Hungarian (I'm learning slowly). The whole trip was pretty boring, which is why I slept through 95% of it. However, towards the end of the exhibit, dad proceeded to dance on a big marble CROSS in the middle of the floor. He's a genius. Mind you, this is a museum depicting the torture of hundreds of political defectors during WWII by Hungarian Nazis and the Hungarian Communist Party. Basically, it's the most insensitive thing he could have done given the current theme. To be fair, he didn't realize it was an actual cross until the security guard lectured him on the meaning of respect. Mom almost died, it was so funny. 

Dad apologized, but subsequently, all the guards kept a very close eye on our convoy, even though we were following a group of 20 teenagers. He's an American at heart. I can only imagine what antics I will bear witness to in the next 30 years. Pray for me. 

You can't tell in the picture, but dad's tail was between his legs. 

This is a link to a video post excursion. Dad is a weirdo. 

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