Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The new neighborhood!

Well, unlike before, we do not in fact, live in the "hood." Peter's mom found a place near the Central Park of Budapest. 

Szent István Park is a pretty ritzy place from what I hear, which is funny when you have no concept of what's nice and what's not nice (other than the physical appearance of the place). 

Unfortunately, that reminds me of the time my roommate and I walked alone, at night, in India (because we had NO idea how dangerous it was...and I was 20 and just dumb). Needless to say, Popcorn will  be street smart. And how do we plan on implementing  these street smarts? By showing her where dad lived while in San Diego...which is the worst it gets. 

The new place is pretty cool, and much bigger than the last place. It's in the Jewish area, and apparently they like nice things. Also, there is an American style donut shop that's fairly close...which we've been to twice. Ugh. 
What's within walking distance? 

The pediatrician's office, a few wine bars, an English bookstore, a ton of restaurants, ice cream, flower shops, and countless other cool places...like a fancy pants gym!!! 

Yes, folks, Peter and I will attempt to fulfill our commitment to the gym memberships we purchased for 19,990HUF (roughly $100). If nothing else, we can go swimming and encourage each other to do 10 sit-ups, like we do at home (right before heading to the donut shop).

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