The new patio with six huge trees! Thank you Peter and Andras for carrying these things and Susan and Andras for potting them while Peter and I went out for a drink and lunch.
Popcorn's room, with a view of the garden!
Because a standard crib is soooo yesterday, grandpa and grandma bought me a full on play pen! Yehaw!
Ladies and gentlemen...couches are very expensive.
Our cool light up...thing...that's two levels!! That was on accident because I can't seem to properly use a metric tape measure.
The beloved tv...of which has about 5 English channels. I made Peter buy HBO just to have a few extra options other than murder mystery shows and Judge Judy (although she's my fave).
Totally unrelated...Peter coined a new abbreviation. Much like the popular WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) rubber bracelets wore by Christians everywhere that begs the question, what would Jesus have done in this situation? Peter came up with WWJJD.
Any guesses?
What Would Judge Judy Do?!
So whenever we are discussing a hot topic and can't seem to come to a conclusion, we simply ask, WWJJD? And 9/10, we have our answer! He's a genius.
Back to less funny news...
The 1930's elevator which likes to stop at least once a week...and we live on the sixth floor coincidently.
Other pictures will follow when I have the energy to clean the kitchen and bedroom. Don't hold your breath.
Also, it's really annoying that they play American football, and it's in Hungarian!!! Ugh!!!
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