(Mom channeled her college days and went with old school colored tabs.)
So she had an appointment (which mind you, was booked in August), so we were NOT allowed to be late. Also, it was 1 degree Celsius outside. What is this place, Budapest???!
We pulled up and the line was around the block (even with an appointment). So we waited...and waited, and THEN...some not-so-nice grown men (mom is leaving out a few expletives she'd like to use), decided to cut EVERYONE in line, namely mom, who was dealing with two grouchy toddlers. Insert, El Cajon crazy.
Mom was not having ANY of this, and told every single MAN CHILD that the line was around the block and to move NOW (IN FRENCH)!!! Mom was basically ready to throw down, while holding Pompom (which seems to be a theme of empowerment). The jerky guys begrudgingly listened and got out of mom's way. Apparently she looked as serious as she sounded. Apu was pretty impressed, and so was mom! BAM! Adulthood lesson 101, speak up when you see injustice!
Good and bad news. The lady was SUPER nice and gave mom her provisional residency permit (for FIVE years), under the provision she come back with apu's translated work contract (which doesn't actually exist).
We then went to the mall to buy me warm pants since school starts again tomorrow!!! THANK GOD...for all of us.
And now we're home and Pommies is being funny.
You can take the girl out of East County, but.... 😂😂