Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Apu has Landed.

Apu landed with Gabika (my new unicorn named after the district doctor, who I have a HUGE crush on). I see him pretty often since mom always needs antibiotics.

(Mom filters pictures so she doesn't look so old and wrinkly.)

We went to dinner!!
Mom looks tired, right? Also, side note, this is the first time she's done her hair in SIX months...over which time most of it has fallen out. 
And no one screamed or threw anything on the floor! It was actually really fun! Pompom had a snack too.
I drank my sophisticated water with lemon while lounging after eating some Pho, after which I flirted with a French kid sitting at the table across from us. 
Then Gabika and I went on the seesaw...
Pompom napped with her hand-me-down mom's 50th baby backpack. 

And overall, it was the best day in the last 40-something days! 

Now we sleep! 

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