Not much has been going on in this neck of the woods lately, so whole family decided to spend a day at the lake in Paloznak, and it's been great. The parents even got to go out on a Saturday night with the Hegedus parents! The most epic night of the whole year (meaning they stayed out until midnight)! Mom and dad don't get out much these days. Long gone are the days of no responsibility and dancing until they drop (or until they were kicked out due to their awkward dance moves).
Anyway, the lake is great, minus a little rain, which is really growing on mom. I want to apologize on her behalf to all the people she's offended by saying people who like rain are ridiculous and clearly haven't been to San Diego.
Grandpa set up a swing in the garden! Wait, you mean every kid doesn't have a huge house on the lake with a pool, sauna, a full edible garden and a tree bound swing set?
The flowers are blooming and the killer spiders are out! Mom doesn't appreciate nature as much as she thought, after almost running head first into an arachnid the size of her shoe. She's a size do the math.
The following is a snail the size of a house cat we came across in the road. You can't appreciate it in the picture, but this thing was the equivalent of eating 8-10 regular escargot with extra garlic.
Dad made sure to save her by putting her in a garden with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. He's so thoughtful. I'm sure she'll have a fabulous lunch!
Everything's bigger in Texas! Oh wait, I mean Hungary.
This calls for nap!