Sunday, July 27, 2014


Not much has been going on in this neck of the woods lately, so whole family decided to spend a day at the lake in Paloznak, and it's been great. The parents even got to go out on a Saturday night with the Hegedus parents! The most epic night of the whole year (meaning they stayed out until midnight)! Mom and dad don't get out much these days. Long gone are the days of no responsibility and dancing until they drop (or until they were kicked out due to their awkward dance moves).

Anyway, the lake is great, minus a little rain, which is really growing on mom. I want to apologize on her behalf to all the people she's offended by saying people who like rain are ridiculous and clearly haven't been to San Diego.  

Grandpa set up a swing in the garden! Wait, you mean every kid doesn't have a huge house on the lake with a pool, sauna, a full edible garden and a tree bound swing set? 

The flowers are blooming and the killer spiders are out! Mom doesn't appreciate nature as much as she thought, after almost running head first into an arachnid the size of her shoe. She's a size do the math.

The following is a snail the size of a house cat we came across in the road. You can't appreciate it in the picture, but this thing was the equivalent of eating 8-10 regular escargot with extra garlic.

Dad made sure to save her by putting her in a garden with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. He's so thoughtful.  I'm sure she'll have a fabulous lunch! 

This is me poking dad's stomach (and putting ants in his pants, who are the size of normal aforementioned escargot). 

Everything's bigger in Texas! Oh wait, I mean Hungary. 

Dad also found his 100 year old keyboard that I absolutely can't get enough of. I clap for myself after every solo. Good weekend so far if you ask me!   

This calls for nap! 


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Summertime, when the livin' is easy.

I often spend time with the grandparents in the park. Lately, on Sundays, they have live music and dancing. Well, I'm sort of the only one shaking my "groove thang," but it's a lot of fun. Next week I'm planning on making my Hungarian harmonica debut. I'm thinking of a combination harmonica/whistling routine. You have to diversify, folks!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Life is hard...

The last few days have clearly been very difficult... 

As you can surmise, all I do is eat, sleep (a lot), and party. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I met my first bully.

So I was minding my own business at the park (ok, not really) and a little girl wasn't so nice to me. Dad pretty much lets me socialize with anyone/anything as long as I'm not hurting it. I found a little girl that was building a sand bump and I took it upon myself to help her with my shovel. She pushed my hand away and shot me the most evil eye I've ever seen! Mom even saw it from across the sand box! Dad escorted me to the swings before I knocked her out. Jeeze, I was just trying to help! 
That's me in the short green shorts...before the incident.
Dad felt bad after I was rejected at the park, so we went for a stroll to get Greek food. 
I love food...I just like to put it on my face rather than in my mouth. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Summer activities.

Thankfully the sun has made a pretty permanent appearance in Hungary and mom is reallllly happy about that. We've spent significantly more time outside lately, although it's getting uncomfortably hot. It's short shorts for this baby! 

This is mom and dad's friend Drummer Pete. He was mom's witness at their wedding, and just an overall really nice guy. I think I have a crush on him, but don't tell the parents. I know it's a little early. I'm completely obsessed with giving him high fives! 
Mom and I are out and about today, and I took a nap while she ate the Hungarian version of a Cobb Salad. Not bad for a Tuesday! AND, dad will be home tonight, so that's cool too! Happy summer, my people! 

Monday, July 14, 2014

I need an agent.

Mom got a nice message with a picture of me from our photo shoot at the beach. I'm really glad they cropped mom out of this one because I think I look pretty amazing all on my own! 

I miss Coronado...and my San Diego family! I'll post more as they become available! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Hanging out.

That is correct...this is not me...I heard dad was cheating but I didn't believe it until I got proof! I will not reveal my source, but she texted me these pictures! Dad is sooooo in trouble! 
This is what the grandparents do pretty much every day...cater to every demand and buy me toys! 
This is my new favorite mom, Judit (and the mother of Emma, pictured above). I'm thinking I'm going to switch with Emma because my mom doesn't like to cuddle as much and doesn't sing me songs. 
These are my new kicks. The grandparents don't understand that girls from Southern California do NOT wear socks with sandals. I'm so embarrassed! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Things we missed about Budapest!

Mom and I decided to collaborate on another list for our followers! 

1. Rude people. There's something charming about people who just don't care about anyone or anything else in the world. Mom was pushing me in my stroller when she slowly approached a very large man standing in the middle of the sidewalk. Assuming he would kindly move, she continued forward. 

He did not. 

So what did mom do in an effort to convince him? 

She rolled over his foot with my stroller and briskly walked away. And then we laughed. 

2. The rain. Well, I missed it, but I'm not sure mom did. 

3. Our apartment. Ok, this is a biggie! There are tons of plants in the apartment and a super duper king size bed! Now, when I fall asleep, I don't have to do it in dad's armpit! 

4. The smell. Streets in Budapest have the most wretched smell...a cross between Las Vegas during the day and my diaper after a full meal. Oh wait, this is supposed to be on the list of what I didn't miss. Sorry. 

5. Dad. Mom and I missed dad a lot. Thankfully he's not 8,000 miles away anymore, and we get to spend the next few days together! Yehaw! 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Gooooood morning!!!!

Well, it's 12:17am and mom (who's not the sharpest tool around) thought she could trick jet lag! Ha. After coaxing me to bed at 9pm, she thought she had defied the odds. How wrong she was. What's even better, is that I got a solid 3-hour nap, meaning I'll be up until god knows when.  
I'm thinking until at least 5am. 
The first thing I did was hit mom in the face and open my mouth (meaning it was time to get up and fix some milk). 
I literally crack myself up! Mom, on the other hand, doesn't find it as amusing. 
Gotta run! I need to unload the contents of my toy box! 

**Update: I fell asleep at about 4am, which was better than mom anticipated. Dad came home today at around noon, and we are currently taking a nap (as my scribe types in my absence). 

Mom, enjoy your 30 minute tea break, because tonight, it's party time!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The parents look pretty deranged...

A few weeks ago a woman, who met mom and dad on our first flight from Budapest to San Diego, wrote mom about traveling with an infant. 

Mom assured her that all would be ok, and that the airline will make it easy on her...whilst traveling 8,000 miles, by providing her baby a comfortable place to sleep (other than her lap). 

Mom LIED!!!!

Out of the 9 hours to London, I slept about 8 on mom. She couldn't breathe without her back shooting fire up her spine (I won't take the blame for her old age). THEN, as soon as she and dad were able to juggle me into the baby chair (after dad almost dropped me), the plane hit some pretty rough turbulence and...DING...fasten seatbelt sign lit up, and they were forced to take me out. 

I love my life. Mom is pretty soft these days, so I was comfy. 

I'm now sound asleep in my new jogging stroller (which mom was convinced was broken after watching the baggage handler basically throw it down a flight of stairs in San Diego). 

Alas, one thing did go right so far this trip. 

I'm going on two hours of restful slumber, while mom and dad stare at each other in a sleepless daze (over gross fish and chips and coffee). 

Excuse the double chin...

Dad actually fell asleep sunning himself in the fluorescent light provided by the Brits.

He flew from Cyprus to San Diego on Wednesday so he could help mom wrangle me on the flight back today (2 days later). Yes, if you're wondering, he's insane...and the best dad ever. 

Dad, you're in Europe again. Don't get your hopes up. We're not in East County anymore. 

Also, I have an added side story to our trip...

I found a pretty tastey looking piece of gum on the floor and REALLY wanted to try it. In order to prevent me from doing this, dad (without thinking), stepped on said piece of gum. He's the best. 

He must make me laugh like 26 times a day. 

When dad's away...

I play in my toy box...
Try and make mom some money...
Try and steal Riley's pizza...
Hang out with Giang...
And drink mirmosas...
I hog mom'a pillow at 5am...
Help pack...but not really...
Eat ONLY the blueberries...
And play with my llama. 
Oh, and smear banana peels on the nice leather couch. COME BACK, DAD!