Sunday, November 6, 2016

A post from mom...

I moved abroad almost four years ago, and it goes without saying that it was a struggle. I was scared, felt like I didn't belong (Hungarian ain't no walk in the park), and worried my girls would suffer because I was unhappy. I realized (after about two years), that fear was holding me captive. Once I let that go, things drastically changed for the better. 

I do believe we get back what we put into the universe. I have been so incredibly lucky to be given this experience of living outside of my walls, and to meet the most beautiful families from ALL over the world. 

One thing I've come to conclude, is that people are the same at the core. We have the same goals, hopes and love for each other. It's in all of us...somewhere...when you strip away the fear. 

Recently, discussions with these new friends have turn to American politics, and there's one resounding conversation that keeps taking place. What the HELL is going on? 

Most of these conversations end in the same way...I hope for the sake of your children, people don't vote for the person who exemplifies hate, fear, and inequality. 

So with that said, I can't stand back and stay silent as an American, and more importantly, as a mother. These parents all want the same world for their babies. One that is safe, and one filled with more love than hate.

The world is watching...and they have faith in us (which I find pretty darn cool).  Mom is cautiously optimistic. 

This was Poms, waiting to cast her ballot after a romp in the park. 

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