Sunday, September 11, 2016


I know mom has touched on this subject before...she's kind of a hippie at heart. Thanks to a new Netflix subscription (which has saved us thousands of dollars on iTunes), she got a chance to watch a documentary...Happy. She loves documentaries. In fact, she can't remember the last time she watched an actual movie from start to finish...

Anyway, gratitude was mentioned again. It seems to be a recurring theme amongst experts in the pursuit of happiness, and mom would have to agree. Lately, she's been feeling grateful out of the blue. Almost to the point of tears, because she just can't believe THIS is her life. 

So without further hesitation, she wanted to put together a quick list that she may get to look back on in a few years...maybe when things don't seem as great. 

1. Us. Pompom, Apu and I. Like, out of ALL the souls in the universe, she gets to walk alongside us...and that is pretty darn cool. 

2. Her friends...from ALL over the world. Literally. They make her laugh endlessly, and she's so grateful she has crossed paths with each and every one of them. 

3. Her family. Who lets her be herself. No criticism, judgment...just acceptance. 

4. Her health. Right now it's great, and that's a big deal. 

5. Her most favorite person in the whole wide world...who happens to also be her grandmother. She pushed her to travel and explore, to be open to life and it's experiences (both good and bad), and to alway "keep going!" Mom has done just that, and it's led her the absolute best life she could have never imangined, because she didn't know it could exist.

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