Friday, August 5, 2016

You live such a glamorous life!!!!

"Oh man, you must make loads of money!"

"Wow, must be nice to get to choose where to live! You must live in a fairytale!"

Not really, and yea, it is...but it does come at a cost most people don't see. And mom is a raging opportunist! 

She didn’t choose aviation, she chose Apu.  Mom sacrificed some of her ideas of a life in the US, the only home she knew for 28 years, her family and friends...Coronado, seafood and the sun.  She sacrificed being blissfully unaware of how to take apart and fix a broken dryer, disassemble a clogged dishwasher, and to walk up six flights of stairs with two kids, a stroller and 25kg of groceries.  Mom also sacrificed knowing with 100% certainty, that Apu would be home for our grand entrances into the world. 

“So fabulous!"...Tell that to Poms and I, who don’t always have Apu home for birthdays, nursery parties, and 55% of dinners.  And I'm actually starting to notice...but I'm pretty strong.

Mom is choosing to live in France because it's where she feels comfortable and she speaks enough French to get by. When Apu is gone for a month (every other month), she wants to be able to make a phone call, or feel confident in what to do if we get really sick. Don't judge her, but she's actually had Apu call and order food in Budapest from Kinshasa. More than once.

She is also taking a risk, to improve our lives, give us the chance to speak a third language and hopefully open our minds to a wider audience of this global performance...and introduce us to crêpes et éclairs, certainement.

So yes, it's pretty fab that we are moving to France, but Apu will leave again after nine days as mom puts together a budget so we don't have to move in with nagymama and nagypapa. 

This life IS a pretty decent fairytale, because mom takes risks!! Apu actually called her "reckless" in a good way. Throwing us into new situations just because she can. 

And the fairytale does come at a cost. We miss Apu, like, a lot, a lot when he's gone.

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