Sunday, August 7, 2016

Giving and Gratitude

Mom has heard these hippies always preaching about giving and activly living each day with gratitude. She really has struggled with this concept, because while in theory, it sounds amazing, it's hard to be presently grateful when things aren't so chaotic bath times when yours truly is screaming, or when she's sweating while pushing a stroller and tripping over groceries.

Mom is also not the most social of butterflies, which is why the universe granted her with Apu.  That guy could go to a party/dinner/event/talk/movie every single day until finally someone gets so sick of him talking, that they finally end it.  But mom told herself one thing when it came to photography...

Even when she doesn't FEEL like taking pictures or socializing with new people, she will always say yes.  Those "yes's" have paid off beyond measure.  One, because she pushes herself out of her social comfort zone to meet the most incredibly beautiful people, and two, because she gets a moment to herself to be grateful.  At times, she is overwhelmed. I know, it sounds cheesy.

This overwhelmed feeling comes from so many things. She is grateful to give to parents pictures that encompass their endless love...for each other, and their children. That she has a pretty awesome family waiting for her at home, and that when apu IS home, he lets mom do whatever she wants.  The she gets to do something she actually LOVES and doesn't have to sit at a desk, or maybe t's that she gets to spend the morning walking in the rain and looking at the most epic sunrise...

Either way, she noticed that these mornings that she has to get up and "work" are some of the best times she's had in and being unequivocally grateful.

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