Saturday, December 10, 2016

Come ON, mom.

Enough with the darn camera!

See, the thing is, mom is in a bit of a panic.  Apu says that if she were a "gamer" (someone who spends ENDLESS hours online playing video games), she'd be 500 pounds by now.  Literally, for the past week she's been reading/watching videos, and dreaming about newborn photography.  Why? Because someone contacted mom and wants her to do a FULL-BLOWN stylized photoshoot for a baby, TIMES TWO. Yes, TWINS.  Ugh! Universe!!?? Like this...


So mom is basically freaking out because she's NO baby whisperer.  Trust me. She somehow has to coax TWO babies to sleep without her usual tactic of breastfeeding. 

In the meantime, she's basically set up a ghetto studio in the apartment with a beanbag, backdrop and cheap lighting, so she doesn't show up totally unprepared (which she totally is). She's basically crossing her fingers that the babies stay inside their mama until the last possible second!



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