Friday, May 27, 2016

Always something!

We spent almost three hours at the "water park" with nagymama and nagypapa, and BOY did we have fun. So did mom, who spent half the time talking to her US accountant on Skype (with screaming kids in the background) about how NOT to get in trouble with the Feds.
We had a seriously great Friday! 
After, we went for ice cream and Pompom took a quick nap! 
But, in typical fashion, things did not stay blissful! 

At 1am, mom woke up to Pompom breathing really heavily and decided to take her temperature. 39.2C, which is 102.5F, was a little too high for mom's taste at that time in the morning. And reminded her AGAIN, that she would be TOTALLY screwed in an emergency. car. husband. Hungarian.
...nagypapa and nagymama two hours away at the Balaton.

Uber taxi maybe??? But then you don't know who will show up at 2am! Yikes. 

After searching for a real thermometer, she decided to call Apu, who is in Sweden, and had to leave for a flight at 4am! Mom's not nice and felt like she needed to spread her panic around the world. 

So mom nervously watched Pompom sleep until about 5:30am, and I figured I'd wake up at 6 and demand a kakao and Peppa Pig! 

Pompom promptly took a big ugly number 2 at 6:30, and seems to be feeling a-ok! So far! 

Side story...

Someone in mom's group of expat mom friends asked where to go in a medical emergency...

Another mom responded promptly, "Vienna."


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