Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Post office transcendence.

Mom ventured quickly to the post office after dropping me off at nursery, in order to avoid the crowd. She was fairly successful, but the line piled up at lightning speed as soon as Pompom let go of her first morning gas. 

After the gentleman in front of mom was finished (after sending 150 envelopes that had to be individually stickered and stamped), the craziness ensued. 

Mom politely started filing out her forms and a crazy woman in the middle of the line started yelling. Like, yelling, yelling.

The best and worst part about being an expat is not understanding your new language. All mom could do was smile and giggle and she sent off her packages to the good ole US of A! 

All mom could think was...

"Is this lunatic yelling at me? Or about me? Or about the post office only having one worker to handle 20 people?" 

WHO CARES!!!!! Seriously, the lady had already ruined her own day, she wasn't going to ruin mom's, too! 

There's something about ignorance that truly is bliss. So next time mom hears something not so nice in English, she's going to apply the same logic and "shake it off," as my idol Taylor Swift would say! 

Funny how when you don't understand negativity, you can't interpret it in a way that hurts you. Where as if you do understand, you often make it mean something it doesn't. Not anymore!!  A smile and giggle is MUCH more appealing anyway. 



  1. Hi Kelly! I recently moved to Budapest from the states (TX) and I came upon your blog. Your kids are adorable! I am currently 29 weeks pregnant and scheduled to deliver at Maternity hospital so I was glad to hear you had a great experience there. My job provides health insurance and even though the hospital is expensive by Hungarian standards, it's still nothing compared to the states! So I have some questions for you if you could please help me out:
    1. I'm looking to move closer to my job which is in the 13th district. Do you know a good English speaking real estate agent?
    2. In one of your posts you stated that you signed a 12 month lease but had to end it early; what were the repercussions for that if any? I ask because my job is on a contract basis and I don't know for sure that I will be here for the entire 12 month period.

    Thanks in advance :)

    1. Hi Angie!!

      We live in the 13th and LOVE it! It's a great area for kids!

      If you're on Facebook, join Expat moms and dads in Budapest. We can connect there and I can answer all of your questions!

      Talk soon!

