Monday, March 30, 2015

Don't get used to this!!!

We conspired, and despite all efforts to make mom and dad cry and/or kill each other (and we got reasonably close), we both fell asleep. This will NOT happen again in this lifetime if I have anything to say about it! Pompom is making everyone tired around here!! Get it together, girl! 

Friday, March 27, 2015

First time and probably the last...

That both my sis and I will be asleep at the same time...albeit on opposite ends of the city. 

Great minds think alike. 
Oh, and dad too. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Howdy y'all.

My name is Pompom, I weigh 3040 grams, I'm 54 cm long and was born at 9:16am in Budapest. I'm also VERY, VERY, loud. I'll be giving my older sister and run for her money!

Also, I'm a breastfeeding champ. Popcorn told me I need to take the guess work out of all the parenting stuff because they are both totally clueless. 


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Unimpressed kid at the park.

Dad said we needed to go get food for mom and that we'd stop at the park for a few minutes. Whatever. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Princess friends.

I have a REAL friend!! 
And this is what happens when nagymama has me ALL to herself for the day. Not that I mind, obviously. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Picture Friday

I have to entertain myself these days now that mom is the size of a boat on the Danube. One of those boats that carries cargo, not people. 
I rode my first horse with the grandparents. Actually, I rode a few horses and plan to make this a (very expensive) hobby in the near future. 
I'm noticing a theme in my pictures...that I hang out more with animals than I do people. 
Dad let me try the new contraption for the stroller. Once Pompom arrives, this will be a permanent fixture in my life. She'll ride in the front, and I'll provide ground support in the back. 
And I've been taking extra long naps these days in order to be nice to mom, who needs a break from my craziness (and hers too). 

Six more days until Pompom shows up...but who's counting?! 

Friday, March 13, 2015

I have OCD.

Dad caught me organizing all the magnets on the fridge and talking to them. Don't put me on medication just yet...I can explain!!!!

I'm a genius. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015


I've taken a liking to dad's salads...which is odd for a two year old, I've heard. 
Don't show nagymama and nagypapa...they think I should be eating kefli and potatoes. 


I'm cheap...payment in chocolate milk and baby dolls.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Tough week.

On Tuesday, my bad luck began. In the midst of trying to put her shoes on (nine months pregnant and in a hurry), mom accidentally tripped me. I fell right into the coat stand and ended up with a HUGE purple/red/blue goose egg on my forehead (which now also had a nice shade of green on the side). Mom held it together until we got in car, and then had a two minute emotional breakdown because she felt like the worst mom ever. Meanwhile, I had forgotten all about it. 

Then, today, I was minding my own business walking down the street with grandma and grandpa, and I tripped again and fell right on my face. I now look like I just got lip injections and a BAD nose job. Poor nagymama (grandma) cried ALL day because she felt so bad. The good thing that came out of it was mom felt less horrible and less crazy for only crying two minutes verses half of the day. There's a silver lining to everything!! 
I also got chocolate milk and no tooth brushing for the night! I'd say today wasn't that bad after all! These nut jobs need to calm down and have some wine! I think dad is the only sane one at this point...and that's saying a LOT.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I'm a working girl.

After cleaning up my water disaster, the nice lady at reception gave me some work to do. Pompom is getting expensive, so I figured I'd help the parents out a little. 
First task, drawing a diagram of the heart for my med school art project (after which I'll sell it)!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

New one!!!!

After a ten minute disagreement, the parents finally let me pick out my OWN outfit for the day (which I required was new). Thankfully, they both survived sans major injury because underneath the piles of clothes I have, I did in fact, find a new shirt and new pair of pants (albeit WAY too big). 
Mom and dad are worried that I will be single forever due to my increasing financial/lifestyle requirements (namely a brand new outfit everyday).