Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My thoughts on the US vs. Europe.

People are always asking mom what the differences are between living in Europe verses the US. She tends to come up with really stupid stuff, like, oh, the weather is better in San Diego. She doesn't do too well on the spot. 
She does have a point, it really is better. 

Mom also tends to talk to herself, now that dad is back home in Budapest. So I figured I'd write down all the things I've noticed since my arrival to this earth, roughly six months ago.

This is a list of things I love about Europe and a list about the US...y'all can judge! (Yea, I picked up a Texas accent after dad took me to Boot Barn to get cowboy boots.)

Ways Europe Beats the US...

1. Healthcare.  Mom was able to give birth to yours truly for $3000. I'm not sure how she could have afforded to get me out in the US, so it was a win/win for us all. That was the price WITHOUT insurance, or special rate for being married to dad. Oh, plus, as the newest Hungarian citizen, I get free healthcare for my whole life! Score!

2. Life Span.  I'm pretty sure people in the US frequent In-n-Out a few too many times in their life span, which may or may not lead to heart disease, diabetes, and everything else associated with obesity.  (No offense to the American side of my family, namely dad, the American wanna-be, who LOVES In-n-Out.)

3. Vacation Spots. In under three hours, I could be in London, Nice, or Istanbul. Need I say more?

4. Transportation.  For a small fee (usually free, if you have the guts) you can take a tram, bus or metro to get anywhere in any major city. Not so much in San Diego. Mom had to rent a really lame Chevy Impala. Plus in Europe, walking is the standard, which is great for keeping in shape. I don't have to worry about that though, because mom and dad carry my big butt around.

5. Fresh Produce.  There are markets everywhere, pretty much everyday. Flowers, squash, berries, you name it. It's cheap too, which is great. Too bad mom and dad just typically order Indian food.

How God Blessed America...

1. Food. Mom just scarfed down two bowls of fettuccini as I dictated this blog. Gross. Anyway, food in the US is awesome, because you can get anything you want anytime you want it. Dad is a fan of Black Angus, where he can get prime rib and a martini for cheap.

2. People. People here are MUCH nicer than people in Europe, but there are far more crazy people here as well.  People in the US tend to be much more open and friendly, especially to me because I'm really cute and slim for a baby. 

3. Convenience. You have access to anything you could ever imagine, and for affordable prices! I love AMERICA!

4. Customer Service. Usually when you buy something in Europe, returning it is nearly impossible. You need a ton of documentation, AND a LOT of bribe money. Here, you can use something for a year, throw it in the middle of the street to be run over, and return it no problem.

5. Cars. Cars are just cooler here. Namely, mom's old Challenger, which she misses dearly. Cry me a river, mom.

6. The sun. Ok, so I know we are staying in San Diego, so it's not a good measure for the rest of the 49 states, but it's been really nice to see the sun EVERY SINGLE DAY.

There are more comparisons I could talk about, but mom says she needs a bloody mary, so I'll leave those for another time.


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