Thursday, April 4, 2013

Life is a Highway

So I haven't talked much about the wedding, mainly because it was fairly uneventful. It was definitely the wedding I wanted however, no fancy decorations, a poofy dress, or 200+ people to entertain and feed. Why do people do that anyway?! Let's not fool ourselves, how many people really know 200 people? Our wedding had a total of 11 guests, myself being the only American! Well, I suppose Popcorn was there too, so I had some backup.

It decided to snow that day, which I actually didn't mind because it was like the forth time I had ever seen snow in my life, so it was still semi-charming. Plus I didn't slip and fall, so it was fine. We got there, all the guests had arrived, and it was awkward. Our friends we usually only see in drinking settings, and then there were the parents and grandparents. It was a strange mix, but that's a wedding for you.

As a side note, Peter had to choose a song to walk down the isle to. He chose "Life is a Highway," and needless to say, we were the only two that thought it was awesome. That song will invariably crack me up every time I hear it.

The lady who conducted the ceremony was sort of annoying. She wasn't genuine at all, and honestly, I didn't understand a damn thing she said. Therefore, this "marriage" may not actually be official. Hummmm...

Our translator tried to get a forbidden copy of the ceremony vows, but the courthouse refused. Typical. He did a decent job, but I didn't hear what he was saying and because I was trying desperately not to laugh. The woman then asked us to greet each other. What the hell does that mean? I went to high five Peter, but then he said that maybe we were supposed to kiss. Whatever, high fives are cool too.

Oh! I almost forgot! Adorable Peter's cell phone went off right in the middle of the ceremony. Best part, he actually looked at who it was before so kindly silencing his phone. Also, very typical.

It was a quick 20 minutes, went ended with three million pictures, all turned out less than fabulous, and then it was off to the best steak house in Budapest. We stuffed ourselves (Popcorn can attribute her large ass to that night), had a glass of wine (which I'm sure she also enjoyed), and we ended the night hanging with friends in the hotel room. It was the perfect day.

Also, we recently got the invoice for the wedding. 8500HUF. Yes, folks, that would be roughly $40. Dinner was slightly more expensive, but all in all, it was a financial success.

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